Leslie Dancer (Portrayed by Daniel Lillford) is a character that was one of the main antagonists of Season 9. He is portrayed as an Army Veteran and a decorated war hero. He despises the liquor due to having a history of being an alcoholic and declares it as his enemy that must be destroyed at all costs. Dancer was hired by Jim and Barb Lahey to protect . Sunnyvale. He claimed to be a colonel however it was later revealed that he was a private, leading to ridicule after being referred to as 'Private Dancer'.
Season 9[]
Dancer is first seen at the gate and did a search on Tyrone and his car saying they're at level 4 security, partiality due to Ricky and Julian released from jail and coming back to Sunnyvale. He then goes to the PA and announces a 2100 hour curfew for the park's safety. J-Roc and his crew arrive at the Talko's Taco location and blasts his rap music. Dancer arrives and cuts the radio and destroys it, cheered by the residents for his heroic act. Julian arrives and meets Dancer, who was shocked to see that he has given up his drink and follow the new rules. Ricky arrives with his family and outrages about the new Sunnyvale. When Dancer provokes him, Ricky tries to drive through the gate but ending up blowing one of his tires.
In the morning, while Ricky and his family are sleeping, they are awakened by Dancer's bugle trumpet, who announces today's breakfast. Ricky attempts to provoke Dancer by urinating on the gate, but backfire on him when Dancer turns on the electrical fence, stunning Ricky. While Dancer and Lahey are playing cards, Bubbles confronts them about not letting Ricky and his family in the park. Dancer scolds Bubbles by telling him one of his war stories, which terrifies Bubbles and causes him to run away. Before leaving, Lahey tries to convince Julian to stay at the park by selling it to him, but turns down the offer and claims to like the new park. However, Dancer tells Lahey not to be convinced by his act. While the two are smoking a pipe, Randy talks to them about not wearing a shirt due to getting a rash. Dancer punches him in the gut and forces him to wear a vest and orders them to de-weed the flower garden for disobeying his orders. Later, Lahey tries to tells Dancer to not have to wear a shirt, to which Dancer replies that everyone has to follow the rules. Randy walks up to Dancer and throws his vest into the fire, tired of taking orders from the colonel.
Dancer, Lahey, and Randy drive up to Bubbles' home, Dancer demands Ricky how he manages to get in the park. Not want any trouble, Ricky flips him off and leaves. When Cory fails to make food for the residents at Bubbles' business, Talko's Take Out, Dancer and Lahey arrives and tells Bubbles to fix the situation.
Later, Ricky and Jacob return to Sunnyvale to annoy the colonel himself by playing loud rock music but fails again after Dancer uses his air raid siren to bested Ricky's music.
At Donna's house, Dancer checks her porch and finds drunken Randy. Dancer demands to know where he got the liquor from, but Randy provokes him by making jokes about his mother. Dancer bans Randy from the park for violating the rules and officer code conduct until he is sober. While Julian has trouble making food for the park residents, Dancer confronts him about the liquor that Randy had. Frustrated making food, Julian closes the restaurant and leaves. At the gate, Jim and Barb try to convince Dancer to stop being harsh to Randy, he distracted by one of his war stories again. Donna then offers him a pie for "rescuing" her from Randy, to which he excepted.
When Lahey and Randy tried to enter Sunnyvale, Dancer stops them and reminds Randy that he's still suspension from the park. Randy insolently talks back to Dancer, who threatens him with a dishonorable discharge. Lahey reminded Dancer that he's the one owns the park and paying his salary. They then hear Ricky shooting and partying with the residents. Dancer shoots Ricky with rubber bullets and chases out of the park.
At the gate, Dancer scolds Randy about being late and smells liquor off of him. Barb arrives and angrily tells Dancer that Lahey gotten drunk last night and orders him to go over Lahey's home and keep him there. When he arrives at Lahey's home, sees a big mess and liquor, causing him to have a meltdown. Dancer finds Lahey and takes him back to his home and tries to demanded to tell him how he got back to drinking, Lahey fires Dancer and Randy reveals to Lahey that Dancer is a Private. This causes Dancer to have a breakdown and holds a gun at Lahey and Randy and forces them to destroy the liquor.
Later, Dancer steals a tank and crashes it into the park, while destroying properties and manically singing. He gets out of the tank and announces that he's in control of the park and locks down Sunnyvale complete. As he attempts to destroy Bubbles' home, Julian, Lahey, and J-Roc's gang stopped the colonel. Dancer gets out of the tank and lectures and mocks Lahey about beating the liquor. Randy challenges him and reveals his military rank and starts making fun of him. Dancer pulls out his gun and attempts to kill Randy. As the police arrived, Randy stops Dancer and shoves his thumb into his anus and is arrested by the police. When Randy got back to the park, he explains to the camera crew that Dancer used his one phone call to the real police and filed sexual assault charges against him for "checking his oil".
Season 10[]
After the previous season, Dancer is out of the mental institution and went on medication and works at a hardware store. When Lahey is abused by Barb and her henchwomen, he turns to Dancer and forces at gunpoint to start drinking again so he can get him as his ally. At the near end of the season, he and Lahey stuff the car with hay and gasoline and crashed the car to Julian's bar with the intent of killing someone. When Lahey gives up on killing Julian, Dancer tries to wrestle the gun from Lahey's hands to continue his mission, which leads to them to shooting Ricky accidentally in the head.
Ha! You think you've won? You think you're a winner? Name one single solitary thing that you've ever accomplished in your infantile, messed up little life that's been successful! You're loser! |
You think you're better than me? You let the liquor back into your life, Jim. and the liquor almost discharged me. But guess what? I challenged the liquor. I taunted the liquor. I took control of the liquor. And I made the liquor my bitch! And the liquor retreated. I outdrank the liquor! |