Latest Revisions - Explanation[]
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This episode is one (of many) that shows just how much patience Julian actually has with Ricky, when the pair argue on whether or not Ricky fed Mrs. Peterson's dog weed brownies. Julian goes on to berate Ricky on how small the passage of time was in his absence and that he firmly believes Ricky is at fault (likely from past actions). This episode also goes to show how strongly Julian can come to care for someone, when he goes through great lengths to get Mrs. Peterson's dog medical attention, even threatening Ricky with physical harm if something should happen to the dog.
Above section has been edited for brevity and relevance, section added tying it to the original movie, section removed regarding ricky and the dog (as it seemed vague)
Mrs. Peterson is shown in this episode to be able to give Julian a hard time and not suffer any sort of repercussions, as anyone else doing so in the series often has.
Above section removed as many people have given Julian a hard time following this episode and more often than not, they dont come to any harm -- Julian is not the type to start things unless violence is called for, and this only happens when their enemies do it... so not sure what 'repercussions' are being talked about here... if anyone can be more specific I will consider this for readdition.
It's not made entirely clear whether or not it actually is Julian's birthday in this episode, Ricky, Lucy and Trinity make no reference to it and Mrs. Peterson is earlier hinted to have memory problems, being certain that Julian is her grandson (and by Julian's own admission, he is not).
This section slightly edited.