Trailer Park Wiki

Brief Description[]

Julian offers to partner with Barb so that she can keep the trailer park, but they need Lahey's cooperation over his deciding one percent share.

Plot Synopsis[]


Bubbles is sleeping and is cold. He realizes it is coming from the gigantic AC unit attached to Ricky's trailer. He, Julian and Barb race to save Ricky.

Act 1[]

Julian talks to Barb about using the shotgun clause—meaning, Julian, Bubbles, and Ricky giving money to Barb and get her majority share of Sunnyvale and get Sam out. George Green discusses with Jim Lahey about getting reinstated on the police force by busting Julian and Ricky. Trinity is working at Julian’s bar. Julian talks to Ricky and Bubbles about pooling resources into buying out Sam, and approaches Lahey into selling his one percent share of Sunnyvale, only for Lahey to not get in easy. After a second talk with Ricky and Bubbles, the two are in on Julian’s plan, only Bubbles wants it done in the style of “a V team”. Randy sets up a drinking schedule for Lahey.

Act 2[]

In getting ready for the plan, Bubbles and Ricky prepare hash with Jacob and Cory mixing weed and isopropyl with toilet plungers, and they receive their first strike out of four when Cory accidentally splashed some mixture. Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles head to the mall to use a van rented by Cory and Jacob (who had his genitals severely injured by a dog in the van) to see Tommy for gambling machines—paid for by Ricky’s hash coins, with Julian promising that he will give Tommy five grand in one week. Meanwhile, Cory and Jacob are sent to steal model-5600 rice cookers, only for mall security to detain the two, as well as Bubbles and Ricky. Lahey and George watch the action in the mall parking lot, until George intervenes on account of innocent bystanders present. Later, Julian presents the gambling machines to Lahey.

Act 3[]

Bubbles and Ricky set up the cookers, until Jacob and Cory return to the trailer park, with Jacob possibly never having kids. Ricky feels bad for Jacob and takes back his strike. Barb talks to Julian about her going through crystal therapy to get over her anxieties. The night is ruined when Cyrus and a washed-up Sam show up armed to buy out Sunnyvale. When Julian brings up the shotgun clause, and that Lahey is the deciding factor due to him owning one percent, Cyrus and Sam realize they are not legally able to buy out the park, and they leave. Julian celebrates with the next round on him.


Donny's Screams[]

"Fuck off, with the cocksuckin' noise!"
